A miracle happened today. At about 2pm this afternoon I was going through to the kitchen to make a pot of tea, I kept looking at the clock as I knew I had to take Robbie my very ill dog to see the Vet at 3pm which was only twenty minutes drive away. I had already rung my husband at work lunchtime to ask if he would meet me there, as I knew I would be totally overcome with emotion if my dog had to be put to sleep. As I poured the hot water onto the P.G.Tips, I looked around and saw Robbie had got out of his basket and although quite wobbly, began to walk around the room. I was speechless, as Victor Meldrew would have said - " I dont believe it".!
Exactly two weeks ago today Robbie first became ill with Epileptic Fits, the Vet had said he may have eaten something along the Country Lane near the fields where I walk him, which caused him to have Liver Infection, which in turn caused him to fit. These last couple of weeks have been "touch and go", but I have followed the Vet's instructions to administer the neccesary medication and to feed water and liquidised food through a syringe about four times a day. This of course I have managed to do, but what was worrying me more than anything was Robbie's incapability to even walk or stand on his own, or not even being able to empty his bowels and bladder properly. He would just do it in the basket, or I would have to lift him out and hold him hoping that he would aim onto the scattered newspaper I had layered on the floor. I must say there have been endless hours of buckets and mops with disinfectant.
Robbie has had no more fits since last Wednesday evening, it may be because the kindly Vet had decided to give Robbie a full anaesthetic and put on a drip, as to sedate the body, hoping that once he came out of it his body would re-charge again without more fits. Well it seems to have worked as no more fits, that is not to say he will not have another anytime.
The big question I had intended to ask the Vet this afternoon was - "Do I need to end his suffering"? as Robbie had not seemed to have any quality of life left. He said that if it was his dog he would not put him to sleep, and we need to give him a chance. The drugs was making him completely "stoned" out of his mind, he said a bit like an Alcoholic who gets used to drinking, they get used to the liquor, the body gets used to it. So this evening I have my dog back home with me, A miracle indeed, especially now after two weeks he took his first steps again today, something that I did not think would ever happen again. I have nursed him with all the TLC I could possibly give him these last two weeks, and will continue to do so in the fight to his recovery.
Thank you to one and all for being just absolute darlings with your messages and concern with love and hugs along the way. Means so much to me, and has helped me enormously to cope with my anxious days and nights.
Good evening to you Camilla!
I am echoing the comment that I just left over in the common room, when I say how great it is to hear your news.
Praises to your wise vet, to you for your care, and to the wonder boy himself, Robbie! Now, I know that you will continue to give just the care that the pup needs, and that all in your home will sleep much better tonight.
Tomorrow will be a lovely day, rain or shine.
What wonderful nres Camilla!
I'm so pleased for you and Robbie. Fingers crossed for a complete recovery.
Dearest Camilla
I am so glad you are giving Robbie a chance of life. He is obviously not ready to be taken as clearly a miracle has taken place. You are a wonderful carer and he is quite right not to want to leave you. None of us can bear to watch our beautiful animals suffer and we have the choice to end their non-existent life should we feel it is the right thing to do. I will pray for you and Robbie.
Crystal xx
Fantastic news - a metaphorical chocolate brownie on its way to you both!
Do you know it's the small miracles in life that mean the most..!
Brilliant news Camilla.
Camilla - you are amazing . . . not everyone would have devoted all the love and care that you have to Robbie. He is one very lucky dog to have you as an owner, but then I suspect he lets you know how much he loves you and after all that has happened you and Robbie will be even closer.
I hope that now Robbie has 'turned a corner' that his recovery is swift.
I had feared yesterday that Robbie would not be coming home with you and I am so very glad that you have had a miracle . . . you and Robbie deserved a miracle.
Big Hug . . .xxx
Oh Camilla, I am so happy for you and your family and Robbie. Where there is life there is always hope and we have to remember this. You must be feeling so relieved. I'm pretty sure he will make a full recovery. Its 10.20 am and pulling an angel card specially for Robbie (never chosen one for an animal before!) and it is Clarity which doesnt seem to fit somehow but maybe everything is becoming 'clear' and good for Robbie now.
Love Faith x
Dear Camilla
This is such wonderful news, i know how much you've been worried about robbie, but it seems he's made of strong stuff and he's going to get over this.
So pleased for you.
Love Muddie X
Delighted for you! You've had a rough trot recently and hope everything's on an upward curve again.
So, so pleased Camilla. Fantastc news, hope he continues to improve.
I'm so relieved and pleased for all of you I do hope that Robbie is on the mend now.
What wonderful news . I am truly so glad for you after all your devotion . Well done both of you xx
Thank you for all your lovely messages of comfort and best wishes, so kind.
Faith - Thank you for choosing that card for Robbie - CLARITY I think is a good choice.
What wonderful news! He's obviously a very tough little dog. xxPM
Oh that is just the BEST news Camilla. I am so thrilled for you. I think we all thought it was the end of the road for Robbie and knew how devastated you would be. WONDERFUL!!! Loads of love and Asbo sends a bit lick and a bone to Robbie. jxxxxxx
I am so pleased for you Camilla. It's lovely to hear some good news and Robbie's amazing progress has really cheered me up!
I SO know that feeling when the impossible happens....my old cat Bert TWICE spent weeks in a semi-coma or semi-paralysed....he was an ex feral and bit me every time I had to hold him out to use the loo....just because he was too independant to accept help!
Its such a joyous feeling when they achieve the impossible....we are all so pleased for you and Robbie!
What a nurse you must be! I am so happy for you and Robbie.
Dear Camilla
Like everyone else, I am so very glad for you and Robbie that the miracle happened. I expect that if he hadn't managed to get out of his basket the vet's verdict would have been very different.
What a wonderful missus Robbie has! All that clearing up is what really used to get to me, with dogs and children!!!
We will all be thinking of you and robbie and willing him to go on improving. I know you will keep us informed as to progress.
Good to hear that Robbie is making his recovery - all down to your TLC (and the vet - good for him to give Robbie a chance)....fingers crossed he comes back fighting fit soon....
Mootia xx
That's wonderful news Camilla. I hope he makes a full recovery - he seems to be a fighter (in the nicest sense of the word). And isn't he a handsome boy!
Great news!
Dear Camilla, I am so pleased for you! All your love and devotion has paid off and I hope that Robbie continues to improve. Big hugs to both of you. xx
I am so pleased that all is well.
What good news! I'm so happy for you and your Robbie!
Read this at work and couldn't comment before now. Wonderful, wonderful news.
Hi Camilla - just popping in for a quick hello and to say thinking of you all.xx
Hi Camilla, hope Robbie's still improving, so relieved he was alright after all that worry for you. x
Anxiety is not much fun, so fingers crossed.
What a relief Camilla. Surely it must be down to all the love and care you have given him xx
It is so hard when our animals become ill. I caught some of your common room posts on this. I hope he is continuing to improve I lost my first English setter I am convinced through her eating rat poison. I was a student at the time and couldn'
t get home the weekend she died because my engine froze. The first drive home knowing she wouldn't be there was one of my hardest journeys.
Also wishing your daughter a happy birthday.
That's always the toughest question to answer.
Best wishes
Fits are the worst thing to experience vicariously, you [I] always feel so powerless.
Best wishes
Thank you Mcewen,
I agree, I felt utterly helpless when Robbie was fitting. But I would always stay with him and try to comfort him.
Have you become a member Mcewen, have not seen you here before? thankyou so much for writing.
I just found your blog via another and what a sad but uplifting story this is. I have always had pets and having them put to sleep is the most distressing thing that we have to do. But, I always say a silent payer of thanks that we can do that without letting them suffer. But, good news for you and how lovely your little guy is on the mend. I loved how you described this. It was sad and sentimental without being mawkish. Great post and all the best.
Thank you kindly to everyone who left me messages.
Sadly on the 30th October 07 at 9am Robbie Boy departed into doggie heaven, miss him so much.
So sorry to hear about Robbie, I know how much he meant to you, have sent you an e-mail, kindest regards,
Hello Camilla - thank you so much for your kind wishes and remembering us at Christmas.
We are both quite ill at present with a dreadful bug . It was lovely to read your dog is saved and miraculously back with you
many blessings
Tumbling and Hopping Moon
just too ill to keep up with Putplecoo generally - very sad about this H.M. xxx
Gosh Camilla I thought I was behind with my blogs. Hopefully once your move is sorted you will be up and running again but what about a couple of your wonderful poems in the meantime.
Thank Anna,
I did edit a blog a couple of days ago, then it sadly disappeared into cyber space... Should have done it on Word, and saved it.
Thank you re Poems, I will try my best.
Hoping that you are well, thank you for your kind comments.xx
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